Monday,22 Oct 2012
Form of government
There are many forms of government. In the world today, monarchy, dictatorship,and democracy are three of the\ most common forms of government. Monarchy 2A The monarch's authority is hereditary; it stays in the family, usually being passed down to a son or daughter . King, queen, and emperor are some of the titles that have been given to monarchs.
Monarchies were once the most common type of government in the world. Today, however, real monarchies - in which the monarch holds all the power - are rare. An example of such a present-day monarchy is the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Dictatorship A dictatorship is a government controlled by one person, called a dictator. A dictator is different from a monarch because a dictator usually takes power by force, rather than by inheriting it). Historically, dictators have usually come to power when an existing government is weak or has lost public support. Dictators are frequently military leaders. They rely heavily on the armed forces and the police to maintain their power. Military dictatorships of the twentieth century have included Germany under Adolf Hitler and Iraq under Saddam Hussein
Democracy A third form of government is a democracy, a system in which the power is shared by all the people. Democracy means "government by the people." By voting and by choosing representatives, the people decide how their government will meet their needs and protect their rights and freedoms.
The United States was the first modern democracy. Since our nation was founded, countries all over the world have adopted democratic forms of government. Most countries that were once monarchies have become democracies. Many of these countries, such as Great Britain and Japan, still have monarchs with ceremonial duties, but real power is held by democratically elected representatives. Countries with this form of democratic government are often called constitutional monarchies
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