A. Definition of Vocabulary
According to Burton
(1982: 99) vocabulary is “the range of
language of a particular person, class, profession”. Based on Oxford dictionary
(1995: 1331) vocabulary is the total number of word in a language.
Whereas, Hornby (in Zulfiani,
2006: 10) vocabulary is the total number
of words (with rules for combining them) make up a language. Related to the
first theory, the vocabulary that’s mastered by people in relation to specific
purposes or English for specific purposes (ESP). It depends on their job or
profession, furthermore Burton (1982: 100) states the individual may also have
a specialized vocabulary arising from particular, from circumstances of his
life and work, example a physicist, a doctor, an airline pilot, etc. Thus, the
researcher concludes that vocabulary is one substance of language which must be
mastered by learners.
B. Types of
Learning a language
will mean nothing without learning it’s vocabulary.
Regarding the types of
vocabulary, Qandt (1966:34) categorize vocabulary into four types:
Listening vocabulary
This type of vocabulary is developed early, since a child
begins to recognize sounds.
Speaking vocabulary
This type of vocabulary is also built early, that is time
when the child begins to communicate with the surroundings. Although the show
of vocabulary at this stage is very similar and it contains many of the small
function words, that kind of vocabulary can make up a speech.
3. Vocabulary of
reading and writing
These type of
vocabulary are developed almost at the same time.
However, reading vocabulary usually comes earlier than
vocabulary of writing. These types of vocabulary are recognized when one has
the capabality of reading and writing.
Another type of
vocabulary stated by Gorrel and Laird (1964:413) as “Almost everyone has at
least basics of vocabularies”. They are as following:
1. Speaking vocabalary, some vocabularyes which speaks as
the result of their listening process but only consist of few simple words.
2. Reading vocabulary, which allow people to know and to
use vocabulary little larger than speaking vocabulary.
3. Writing vocabulary, which includes the words in
speaking vocabulary, plus other words that he can call up. This stage is much
larger than speaking and reading vocabulary.
4. Acquaintane vocabulary, which includes the other
three, but also include, a considerable number of words which to owner has seen
or heard before it but does not know much about. He may remember enough about
them so that he can usually guess their meaning in context.
In other words, vocabularies be stated about the types of
vocabularies, vocabularies has to be learn from the simple word to the
difficult word.
Starting from
listening to the word, understanding it and then speaking it. This the learner
will not be burden in learning a foreign language.
C. Kinds of Vocabulary Items
According to Michael Carthy
(1991: 71) in his book entitled
Discourse analysis in language teaching in which he divides vocabulary into two
namely function word and content word. Furthermore he states that “this
distinction also appears sometimes as functions word versus content word, or
empathy word versus full words, the distinction is a useful one, it enables us
to separate of those words which belong to close system in the language and which
carry grammatical meaning. From those that belong to open system and which
belong to the major word classes of noun, verb, adjective and adverb, this,
that, those, and these in English belong to a closed system (as the
pronoun and preposition) and carry the grammatical meaning.
Furthermore, if the researcher
returns back to the understanding of parts of speech where the different
purposes in a sentence (Nesfield, 1939: 7-12), based on this statement, the
researcher can conclude that, part of speech is kinds of words too. Moreover,
Nesfield classifies part of speech (words) or we can say the classification of
words as:
1. Noun: a noun is a word used for naming
anything, example table, whom, dog and name of things
2. Pronoun: a pronoun is a word instead of a
noun, example he, she, they another.
3. Adjective: a word that is used to enlarge
the meaning and narrows the application of noun, example beautiful,
comfortable, wonderfully etc.
4. Verb:
a word used for saying something about something else, example work,
study etc.
5. Conjunction: is a word used for showing in
what relation one things stand to another nation, or one thought to another
thought, example and, but, because etc.
6. Preposition: is a word used for showing in
what relation one thing stands to another things, example that, this, those
7. Adverb:
is a word that extends the meaning and narrows the application of any
part of speech except a noun or pronoun, example slowly, on the table,
carefully etc.
8. Interjection: is a word thrown into a sentence to express
some feeling of the mind, but forms no part of the construction of the
sentence, example alas, ghastly etc.
Meanwhile, according to
Shepred (1987: 52 in Gunawardi, 2004: 9)
he remarks that “use the terms receptive and expressive vocabulary for two
consecutive terms recognition and active vocabulary, defines receptive
vocabulary as the words students know when they listen or read, that is the
word they know, they receive thought from others, whereas, expressive
vocabulary is defined as the words students use when they speak or write, that
is when they express their thought to others.
Furthermore, according to
Frank (1972: 1-2) where, he divides word
into two namely: “1). A predicating word, which expresses action or some other
kinds of events, this word is frequently followed by another word that
completes the predication. 2). a linking word, which expresses or condition,
this linking word, is always followed by another word which makes the actual
predication” Additional, Burton (1982: 99) contributes his opinions about the
classification of vocabularies in which he states that listening and speaking,
reading and writing, we all have four different vocabularies, used in those for
separating communication activities. Our listening vocabulary is larger than our
speaking vocabulary; our reading vocabulary is larger than our writing
vocabulary. Another way of putting it is: we all have a passive vocabulary and
an active vocabulary by taking an interest in words (noticing them enlarge
both, the ideal is constantly to narrow the gap between our active vocabulary
and growing passive vocabulary.
D. The Significances of Vocabulary
Mastering vocabulary is very
important role to master a language that the students are learning. It is
impossible to master a language without mastering the vocabulary. According to
Lyon (1981: 32) relates to the importance of vocabulary, he states that
interaction is process of transferring vocal symbol from the sender to the
receiver. Based on the statements above he includes communication as a process
of transferring a vocal symbol (code). Furthermore, he states that
communication is a process of knowing code (vocal symbol). So that, based on
the statement above, one function of vocabulary is a thing that forms an
understandable utterance in a process of communication.
Additional, Oxford dictionary
‘advanced learner’s (1991: 216). Translate “code as a system of words, letters,
symbols, set that represent others, used for secret message or for presenting
or recording information briefly”.
Relating to the significance of vocabulary,
Bahleuwi (2007: 4) describes that
vocabulary constitutes an important component to master language skill such as
speaking, reading, writing and listening, more vocabulary you memorize, so you
will master that language quicker and vise versa.
The statement above is
reinforced by Carthy (1991: 71-85) which he remarks that “we can begin to see
just how important certain vocabulary items are in organizing discourse” the
study of vocabulary in discourse is concerned with pattern in generating
vocabulary relations that are found over clause and sentence boundaries, the
role of certain words in organizing discourse and signaling their structure and
the relationship between these feature of textuality and the register at the
end of product.
Leaving on the statement of Charty
stating that the role of vocabulary in discourse analysis is emphasized to the
text which words in one kind of integrity that form a clause or event sentence
to construct meaning in order to make the communication and interaction run
well as other experts remarked before.
Furthermore, Burton (1982: 53) adds about how significant? of mastering
vocabulary in order to master the language. A large vocabulary helps you to
express your ideas precisely, strongly, and without repeating your self in
composition. You can not do well in comprehension without a larger vocabulary,
for the passage and questions involve a range of words much wider than daily
conversation. When summarizing, the need to condense makes it essential that
you have an ample stock of word from which to make an apt selection.
E. Technique in
Teaching Vocabulary
In teaching and learning vocabulary, the learner should
recognize their need. This is important, because words are in various kinds,
which make it impossible for the teacher to teach all of them.
The teacher, then, should find the efficient technique in
the implementation of the teaching process in the classroom, to take the
teacher more ready to teach the student and the teaching learning process will
run fluently.
Deller (1990: 59) suggested the procedures in vocabulary
teaching for the lower intermediate which can be applied in junior High School
1. Teacher chooses an area or category of vocabulary they
want to work in.
2. Teacher asks each student to think of a word in the
chosen are of Vocabulary.
3. Each student writers some words on a piece of paper and
gives it to be teacher to check and keep.
4. Teacher checks student’s work and distributed among the
student. Each student has a piece of paper on their table.
5. Match the piece of paper with the correct answer and
making sure no one get their own work.
6. Students match the word they have been dealt on the
blackboard with is definition.
Next, the particular
things to be aware of the students vocabulary development, the writer finds
conveniently to say that one technique to bring the student in to a fit
presentation is having them read and find the difficult words. These words then
can be guessed or they may predict the new meaning through the context on the
It means that student
should read on their own end try to involve their capability in the developing
or maintaining a plenty of vocabularies, in relation to the reading process
that might be handled in vocabulary teaching.
Testing technique is effective one procedure to know
directly students’ ability, the writer has input new vocabularies to know how
far progress of students are mastering them, continually to divide test of
papers. Mind- Mapping method is effective to continue done. In testing
vocabularies achievement, the writer chosen two types of test that could be
developed, find the meaning of vocabularies, find the antonym, and find the
These types of test could be developed students ‘ability
to mastering english, Murphy (1994). The teacher in choosing the types of test
that will be used to test the student achievement in teaching learning process.
F. Media of Instructional
The Teaching
The word media comes from Latin language “medius” which
means “middle” or “deliverer”. In arabic, “mediating” or “massage from sender
to massage receiver” (Arsyad, 2003: 3). It is easy to find the factorial media
such as brochures, booklets, magazines, newspaper and similar material beyond
the complex community. Actually, the teacher my use this fascinating and
challenging media, which are full of information symbols, Mind-Mappings and any
other types of knowledge as the media in their language classroom interaction.
“Media can be all kinds of the “bridge” which could transfer the massage sender
to the receiver” (Soeparno, 1998: 1). However, in this particular writing it is
wise to think about the educational media.
Media in the classroom is expected to bring the massage
or information. From the resources (teacher) through several channels (visual,
audio visual, performance). To the receiver or students (Soeparno, 1988: 3).
According of Defleur (1989: 3), media can be any object
or arrangement of subject used as device to provide the human being with
parallel meaning Media are usually used in teaching instruction and
There are many kinds of media one of them is media of
education. Naturally, media of education have general characteristic as has as
been expressed by Omar (1989: 22-23) as following:
Media of
education means an object, which can be touched, heard and seen.
Media of
educcation is a kinds visual aids in teaching and learning.
It is used for
interaction in teaching between teacher and student.
d. Media of education has an instrument and technique which
has close relationship to the method futable. Media of education is said,
method and also technique which is used to make communication and interaction
and interaction between teacher and Student more effective in teaching and
learning process.
Actually, the history of the use of media in education is
not a new thing. It is as old as the education it self. It has been used since
12th century when Cornelius, a popular educator from Czecholovakia critized the
method of using the word only and focusing on the use of Mind-Mappings. In
other to make the sense of the student more involved. He created a text book
with Mind-Mappings in it, called “obit Mind-Mappings” (the world in Mind12
Mappings) which consists of 150 Mind-Mappings interpreted to the lesson being
presented. This is the first book with Mind-Mappings in it (Hamzah, 1988: 1).
Pictorial media could be very meaningful the student,
more over the notes are written outline if a Mind-Mappings, which is closely
related to the topic being studied. These media provide instructional media,
which attract the studen’s interest, motivation and stimulus because they are
closely related to the student daily experiences beyond their community. Zintz
and Maggart (1976: 257) said that “Mind-Mapping context can be as helpful later
on a Mind-Mappings portraying action can help the reader identify word category
in sentence structure. Teacher should utilize Mind-Mappings more than they do
no”. Another statement was stated by Soeparno (1969: 180), “Audio visual
material is useful if the teacher has an active role in teaching and learning
process”. Regarding the last statement, in this case a creative and imaginative
teacher are demanded to realize such an easy made media which is easily made by
the teacher.
Furthermore, Mariana Karim and Fathmi A.H (1986: 21)
proposed that Mind-Mappings as one example of effective visual media if they
are applied for teaching vocabulary. Structure and some other language skills
and language elements. What it teacher could attain from the Mind-Mappings is students’
motivation, interest and well managed condition of language classroom
discussion the most important thing in using Mind-Mapping is to avoid students’
bore in learning English (Soeparno, 1988: 78). Furthermore, the main function
of using Mind-Mapping in language classroom as for teaching vocabulary as the
basic level in learning a language. Moreover, teacher are demanded to be fully
capable in making the question, situation and the students’ motivation to help
the student finding the ways of overcoming the problem and finding out the
The Use of Teaching Media
Teaching vocabulary is the basic part in language
teaching. The use of media is therefore to smoothen in the procces of teaching
learning activity. Hopefully, the result could be optimally achieved, because
teaching media has great potential in stimulating and increasing student
interest in learning English vocabulary.
According to Sudjana and Rivai (1992: 2) teaching media
is useful in some ways as following:
It makes the
teaching more interesting and raises students’ motivation.
It makes the
teaching material more cleary and easily comprehended by student is the main
goal of an instruction.
c. It makes the
teaching method more varieties only in which that there is feedback between the teacher and the students.
d. It gives a lot
of chances for the students to study because they can do other activates while listening at the some time such as observation action and demonstration.
Based on the statement, the above role of media in
vocabulary teaching is important. It takes a great potential in increasing
student’s interest and motivation in learning English vocabulary. Media is also
used the create fun learning and to avoid teacher’s domination in language
of Mind Mapping
to the Martin as translated into English (in Trianto, 2009 : 158) mind mapping
is a concrete graphic illustration which indicates how a single concept related
to other concept in the same categories. Mind mapping is a pattern which at
least consists of picture symbol and color that will not just help the students
to understand the vocabulary knowledge, but also make the student feel good, enjoyable
and attract their brain which at last leads them to have interest in mastering
vocabulary knowledge.
mapping is the use of whole brains technique by using the visualization and
other graphic infra structure to make an impression (based on Depotter and
Heernack as translated into English (in Abdurrahman, 2003 : 153).
The Use of
a. Mind-mapping can make the student active and reduce the
teachers’ domination in the classroom.
b. Mind-mapping can help students to think creatively.
c. Mind-mapping also can help students to remember
vocabulary in their fast time.
A. Synthesis
Therefore, from all statements
above, the researcher concludes that mastering vocabulary is important to
master a language. There are some functions of vocabulary, based on the
statement above such as: According to Burton (1982: 99) vocabulary is “the range of language of a
particular person, class, profession”. Based on Oxford dictionary (1995: 1331)
vocabulary is the total number of word in a language.
Vocabulary helps someone to make the
communication run well and mastering vocabulary helps someone to master a
language easier and faster because they must need to combine the vocabulary
into phrase, clause and sentence which have meaning that can be understood by
other people.
B. Construct
Based on the statement, the above
role of media in vocabulary teaching is important. It takes a great potential
in increasing student’s interest and motivation in learning English vocabulary.
As we know that media is very important to help student to increase their
desire in teaching learning process and also to make easy the students in the
studying process. Furthermore, Mariana Karim and Fathmi A.H (1986: 21) proposed
that Mind-Mappings as one example of effective visual media if they are applied
for teaching vocabulary. Structure and some other language skills and language
elements. What it teacher could attain from the Mind-Mappings is students’
motivation, interest and well managed condition of language classroom
discussion the most important thing in using Mind-Mapping is to avoid students’
bore in learning English.
Furthermore, the main function of
using Mind-Mapping in language classroom as for teaching vocabulary as the
basic level in learning a language. Moreover, teacher are demanded to be fully
capable in making the question, situation and the students’ motivation to help
the student finding the ways of overcoming the problem and finding out the
Harmer, Jeremy. 1991. The practice of English language teaching.
London :
Hornby, AS. 1995. Oxford advance learner’s dictionary of
current English.
Fifth Edition. London : Oxford University Press.
Nation, I.S.P. 2001. Learning
vocabulary in another language. Wellington. English Language Institute
of Victoria University
Nunan, David. 1999. Second
language teaching and learning. Boston: Massachusetts 02116 U.S.A.
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