
            SAMSUL HADI



TITTLE PAGE..............................................................................................           i
TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................          ii
A.    Background of the Study ...............................................................      1
B.     Statement of the Problems...................................................................3
C.     Purpose of the Study.......................................................................... . 3
D.    Significance of the study....................................................................... 3
E.     Scope of the study.................................................................................  4
F.      Definition of the Key Terms.................................................................. 4

A.    The Nature of Reading ......................................................................... 5
B.     Reading as a Language Skill................................................................. 5
C.     Types Skills in Teaching Reading..........................................................6
D.    Principles in Teaching Reading............................................................. 7
E.     Way in Teaching Reading...................................................................... 9
F.      Approach, Method, and Technique....................................................  12
G.    The Definition of Discussion Method.................................................  13
H.    The Significance of Discussion Method.............................................. 13
I.       Advantages and Disadvantages of Discussion Method..................... 14
J.       Hypothesis...........................................................................................   18

A.    Design of the Study.............................................................................   19
B.     Population and Sample........................................................................ 20
C.     Research Instrument.......................................................................     21
D.    Method of Collecting Data..................................................................  22
E.     Scenario of the Research...................................................................... 23
F.      Technique of the Data Analysis........................................................... 24
BIBLIOGRAPHY..........................................................................................           26

A.    Background of the Study
As we know that reading is a constantly developing skill. Like any skill, we get better at reading by practicing. And conversely, if we do not practice, we will not get better and our skills may deteriorate. From age three to one hundred and three, reading practice is what helps us become better readers (Johnson, 2008: 3).
Reading is an extraordinary achievement when one considers the number of levels and components that must be mastered (McNamara, 2007:3). Through reading students can get much knowledge and information to enrich their knowledge, the students need to be taught by using some authentic reading materials such as journals, brochures, newspaper, magazines, and textbooks. For the students who want to develop their knowledge, reading comprehension skill is very important. They can improve their knowledge in many fields and teacher help students to read and comprehend English source which are relevant with their field to study.
Furthermore, in learning English students are hoped to master some of the English skill, such as; listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. All of these skills overlap each other. Related to English reading in common, some of the advantages, which may took from are; students may be able to find much of new information, enrich their vocabulary and expend their knowledge. Specifically, by reading whether for English passage or even newspaper, brochures, magazine, and many other reading resources, students are able to know how the researcher construct their writing, know what are containing on the passage, the ideas on each paragraph and students are able to their vocabulary indirectly.
But in reading process most of the students at any levels whether the low levels complain that in reading English text, sometimes they cannot understand what they read or what are the information in it. Besides, the students feel very difficult when study about reading some of the paragraphs in their text book and every teaching about reading, the students always complain because they cannot read it with right pronunciation, they only spell those sentences and the students look bored when they open their text book.
The problems explained above cannot be separated with the teacher responsibility to solve students’ problems. Researcher sees the different phenomenon in the school. The teacher has not applied some interactive techniques in teaching reading. Applying discussion method in teaching and learning process is one of the methods which are hoped it can give the knowledge and the creative thinking for the students either in cognitive, affective or psychomotor.
Meanwhile SMPN 2 Lingsar as one of the educational department has a responsibility to guide and develop several learning methods in increasing the students’ skill especially for reading skill, it is very important to be done because by applying discussion method the students will be active participant and they will be motivated in learning English.
Based on some explanations above the researcher interested in doing a research about: The effectiveness of using discussion method in teaching reading skill at the first year students of SMPN 2 Lingsar in Academic year 2014/2015.
B.     Statement of the Problem
Based on the background above, the researcher would like to answer the question that stated; is discussion method effective in teaching reading skill at first year students of SMPN 2 Lingsar?
C.      Purpose of the Study
The aim of the study is that the researcher would like to find out whether discussion method is effective in teaching reading skill or not.
D.      Significance of the Study
1.    Theoretical significance
a.       The result of this study will give theoretical information of the English teacher about their reading ability at the first year students of SMPN 2 Lingsar in academic year 2014/2015.
b.      To deliver a method in learning English especially in reading skill at the first year students of SMPN 2 Lingsar in academic year 2014/2015.
2.    Practical Significance
a.       The result of this study is hopefully as additional knowledge or information and how to solve the students’ problem dealing with reading skill.
b.      To motivate the student in developing their abilities in English reading skill by applying a method that can make them be more active in classroom.
E.     Scope of the Study
From the previous discussion in the background of the study above, the researcher finds out that using discussion method is quite effective in teaching reading. Therefore, the researcher would like to proof whether the scores of reading taught by using discussion method is better or not. Therefore, the researcher limits the scope by taking the sample at the first year students of SMPN 2 Lingsar at academic year 2014/2015.
F.       Definition of Key Terms
To avoid misunderstanding is side of the readers, the researcher provide some definition of key terms bellow:
1.      Discussion method: the way in teaching by discussing a topic in a specific lesson, therefore it will create a different definition and different students’ attitude. In this method, all the students will be active participant to solve the problem of the topic they discussed (imansjah, 2005: 81).
2.      Reading: a fundamental goal that children must master in order to be successful in school and in life.

A.      The Nature of Reading
Reading is a multi component, highly complex process that involves many interactions between readers and what they bring to the text (previous knowledge, strategy use) as well as variables related to the text itself (interest in text, understanding of text types).
Meanwhile Vocca et al (1993: 31) reading is an active process, which is occurred in human brain to make meaning of the text is depend on how is brain process information from text and it is supported by his existing knowledge.
From the explanation above, the researcher can conclude that reading is an active process, which is occurred in human brain to make meaning of the text that involves many interactions between readers and what they bring to the text must master in order to be successful in school and in life.
B.       Reading as a Language Skill
Reading is an extraordinary achievement when one considers the number of levels and components that must be mastered. Consider what it takes to read a simple story. The words contain graphemes, phonemes, and morphemes. Sentences have syntactic composition, propositions, and stylistic features. The reader needs to distinguish given versus new information in the text and implicitly acknowledge what is shared among most readers in a community (called the common ground). At more global levels, the reader needs to identify the genre, rhetorical structure, plot, and perspective of different characters, narrator, theme, story point, and sometimes the attitude of the author. (McNamara, 2007: 3)
C.      Types Skill in Teaching Reading Macro and Micro Skills
A use full way of sintering the above two lists is to consider a finite number of micro and macro skills implied in the performance of reading comprehension. Richard (1983: 121) list of micro skills have proven useful in the domain of specifying objectives for learning and may be even more useful in forcing test makers to carefully identify specific assessment objectives. The skills are subdivided into what I prepare to think of as micro skills (attending to the smaller bits and chunks of language, in more of bottom-up process) and macro skills (focusing on the larger elements involved in a top-down approach to a listening task).
Micro skills
1.      Discriminate among the distinctive sound of English
2.      Retain chunks of language of different length in short-term memory.
3.      Recognize reduced forms of words.
4.      Distinguish word boundaries, recognize a core of words, and interpret word order patterns and their significance.
Macro skills
1.      Recognize the communicative functions of utterances, according situations, participants, goals.
2.      Infer situations, participants, goals using real word knowledge.
3.      Distinguish between literal and implied meanings. (brown, 2000: 121)
D.      Principles for Teaching Reading
The following principles can guide the design and practice of a reading programmed. For another list of principle, see Williams (1986: 6-10).
Meaning-focused input                           
1.      Practice and training in reading should be done for a range of reading purposes. A reading course should cover these purposes-reading to search for information (including skimming and scanning), reading to critique text, and reading to write.
2.      Learners should be doing reading that is appropriate to their language proficiency level. These course should include reading simplified material at a range of levels, particularly extensive reading of graded readers.
3.      Reading should be used as a way of developing language proficiency. Learners should read with 98 percent coverage of the vocabulary.
Meaning-focused output
Reading should be related to other language skills. The course should involve listening, speaking and writing activities related to the reading. See, for example, Simcock (1993: 52) using the ask and answer technique and several others described later in this book.
1.      Learners should be helped to develop the skills and knowledge needed for effective reading. The course should work on the sub skills of reading and the language features needed to read, including phonemic awareness activities, phonics, spelling practice, vocabulary learning using word cards, and grammar study. Some of this can be done through intensive reading.
2.      Learners should be given training and practice in a range of reading strategies. These strategies could include-previewing, setting a purpose, predicting, posing questions, connecting to background knowledge, paying attention to text structure, guessing word from context, critiquing, and reflecting on the text. Janzen and Stoller (1998: 62) describe a similar list of strategies.
3.      Learners should be given training and practice in integrating a range of strategies. Learners should be familiar with a strategy package procedure like reciprocal teaching or concept-oriented reading.
4.      Learners should become familiar with a range of text structures, such as these used in newspaper reports, stories, recounts and information reports.
Fluency Development
1.      Learners should be helped and pushed to develop fluency in reading. They need to read material that is very familiar and contains unknown language features. These also should be speed reading practice in word recognition and in reading for understanding. These can include activities like speed reading, repeated reading, paired reading, scanning, and skimming.
2.      Learners should enjoy reading and feel motivated to read. Learners should have access to interesting text and be involved in activities like listening to stories, independent reading, and share reading (blown-up books).
3.      Learners should read a lot, this can be monitored and encouraged through the use of extensive reading and issue logs.
E.       Ways in Teaching Reading
1.      Intensive reading
Intensive study of reading texts can be a means of increasing learners’ knowledge of language features and their control of reading strategies. It can also their comprehension skill. The classic procedure for intensive reading is the grammar translation approach where the teacher works with the learners, using the first language to explain the meaning of a text, sentence by sentence.
2.      Extensive reading
Extensive reading fits into the meaning-focused input and fluency development strand of a course, depending on the level of the book that the learners read. When the book contains only a few unknown vocabulary and grammar items, extensive reading provides the conditions for meaning focused to input. Where the book are very easy ones with virtually no unknown items, extensive reading provides the conditions for fluency development. (Nation, 2009: 49)
According to Brown’s (2000: 306-309) there are some strategies for reading comprehension, it will be discussed as follows:
1.      Identify the purpose in reading
Efficiency reading consists of clearly identifying the purpose in reading something. By doing so, you know what you are looking for and can weed out potential distracting information.
2.      Use grapheme rules and patterns to aid bottom-up decoding (especially for beginning level learners)
At the beginning level of learning English, one of the difficulties students encountering learning to read is making correspondences between spoken and written English. In many cases, learners have become acquainted with oral language and have some difficulty learning English spelling convention. They may need hints explanation about certain English orthographic rules and peculiarities.
3.      Use efficient silent reading techniques for relatively rapid comprehension (for intermediate to advance level)
In teaching the beginning level students, this particular strategy will not apply because they are still struggling with the control of a limited vocabulary and grammatical patterns. The intermediate to advance level students need not be speed readers. But they can increase their efficiency by few silent reading rules:
a.       The teacher does not need to pronounce each word.
b.      Try to visually perceive more than one word at time, preferably phrases.
c.       Unless a word is absolutely crucial to global understanding, skip over it and try to infer its meaning from its context.
4.      Skim the text for the main idea
Perhaps the two most valuable reading strategies for learners (as well as native speakers) are skimming and scanning. Skimming consists of quickly running eyes across a whole text (such as an essay, article, or chapter) for its gist. Skimming gives reader the advantage of being able to predict the purpose of the passage, the main topic, or message and possibly some of developing supporting ideas. This gives them a head start as they embark on more focus reading.
5.      Scan the text for specific information
The second in the most valuable category is scanning, or quickly searching for some particular piece or pieces of information in a text. The purpose of scanning is to extract specific information without reading through the whole text.
6.      Use semantic mapping or clustering
The strategy of semantic mapping or grouping ideas into meaning clusters helps the readers to provide some order to the chaos.
7.      Guess when you are not certain
This is an extremely broad category. Learners can use guessing to their advantage to:
a.       Guess the meaning of a word.
b.      Guess a grammatical relationship (e.g. a pronoun reference).
c.       Guess a discourse relationship.
d.      Guess about a cultural reference.
e.       Guess contain message
F.       Approach, Method and Technique
According to Richards and Rodgers (1982: 54) a method is an umbrella term from the specification and interrelation of theory and practice. An approach defines assumption, beliefs, and theories about the nature of language and language learning. Design specifies the relationship of those theories to classroom materials and activities (Brown, 2000: 14). So, Richards and Roger’s reformulation of the concept is soundly conceived; however, their attempt to give meaning to an old term did not catch on the pedagogical literature.
Meanwhile Brown defines the three terms as follows:
1.      Approach: Theoretical well-informed positions and the beliefs about the nature of language, the nature of language learning, and the applicability of both to pedagogical settings.
2.      Method: A generalized set of classroom specifications for accomplishing linguistic objectives. Method tends to be concern primarily with teachers and students roles and behaviors and secondarily with such features as linguistic and subject-matter objectives, sequencing, and materials. They are almost always thought of as being broadly applicable to a variety of audiences in variety of context.
3.      Technique: Any of a wide variety of exercises, activities or tasks used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objectives (Brown, 2000: 15).
G.      The Definitions of Discussion Method
Discussion method is one of the teaching methods where the students are trained to give their idea in solving a problem which they faced in learning process at the classroom. Before we discuss more about method the researcher would like to define the discussion method itself.
The definition of discussion method is one of the ways in teaching which its application the students faced by a problem use some problematic questions and the students will try to solve the problem, Djamarah and Zaen in Jalaludin (2011: 9). Another definition explains that the discussion method is a group activity in solving a problem to take a conclusion, Ahmadi and Prasetya in Jalaludin (2011: 10).
H.      The Significance of Discussion Method
In the use of discussion method, it has some significance such as:
1.      By discussion the students are motivated to use their knowledge and their experience to solve a problem, which not always looking at the other’s opinion, may be they have different opinion and it will give different answer.
2.      The students can give their opinion orally and will train them to a democratic people. Therefore, the students the students train themselves to give their own opinion orally about a problem.
3.      Discussion give a big possibility to the students to give their participation in giving opinion to solve the problem together, Roestiyah in Jalaludin (2011: 11)
There are some different significances of discussion method such as:
1.      If there are some questions it should be answered by students
2.      To get an answer of the problem
3.      To get the students’ willingness to formulate their sequence thought in order that it will be accepted by the other
4.      To train the students in listen to others’ opinion despite it different with their opinion, train them to be a tolerance people, Amadi and Prasetya in Jalaludin (2011: 11).
From the explanation above we can conclude that discussion has several significances for the students in their learning activity such by discussion method the student try to solve the problem without looking at another’s opinion, besides that the students can give their opinion orally and they train their selves to a problem together and it will make them appreciate another’s opinion.
I.         Advantages and Disadvantages of Discussion Method
            As one of the teaching method discussion, method has some advantages and disadvantages, the advantages of discussion method will be discussed below:
1.    It will make the situation of the class will be alive because the students will give their thought to the problem which is being discussed. Besides that they have better participation.
2.    Can increase the students’ character achievement such as tolerance, critical thinking, patient, etc.
3.    The conclusion of discussion will be easier to be understood by the students and they join the thinking process before they get the conclusion.
4.    The students obey the roles of discussion before they face the real discussion, Ahmadi and Prasetya in Jalaludin (2011: 12)
            Based on the explanation above about the advantages of discussion method is that the students train their self to do a critical thinking.
Meanwhile the disadvantages of discussion method are:
1.      In a big group discussion some of the students often do not active therefore discussion often as the tool for the students to do not give their responsibility to heir topic
2.      Generally the teacher often gets difficulty in guessing the answer of the problem because of the duration of time and several factors which affect the discussion process
3.      The students do not always have the systematic thinking, logical thinking in discussion, Imansyah in Jalaudin (2011::13)
According Ahmadi in Jalaudin (2011:14) discussion method has some types those are:
a.       Formal discussion. Is the discussion conducted in formal form which in this discussion there is a leader, a researcher and a speaker in often conducted in government institution and education institution
b.    Informal discussion is the discussion which is occurs at informal form such in study group where the members of this group sit face to face.
c.    Panel discussion is the discussion which is done by small group and joint by many people as the audiences.
Meanwhile there is a small group discussion which is used in teaching reading and writing skill namely cooperative integrated reading and composition it is one of the cooperative learning technique. It is developed by stavens, et al (1987) this method is staked to accommodate the various skills of the students. In its application the students are divided into small group either homogeneous or heterogeneous grouping. Firs table the students follow the teacher’s instruction about reading and writing skills and they will practice it next the teacher’s duty to give pre-mark for the students. Finally the students will get quiz, but every groups cannot join the quiz before all he member say that they are really ready to join the quiz.
A reward will be given to a group which is able to give a rise performance in reading and writing activities. Because all the participants (student) work based on the appropriate material with the level at some chance to success in their group. The contribution of each group coming from their quiz mark. (Huda, 2011:126-127)
In the application of CIRC it has some phases, such as:
1)      First phase introducing the topic, in this phase a teacher introduces about the learning concept or new term which refers to the result of exploration
2)      Second phase is exploration and application, this phase will give the students a chance to show their initial knowledge, develop their initial knowledge and explain the phenomenon that they faced with the teacher’s guidance minimally. It will make a cognitive conflict in their self and it will make them try to proof in by discussing with their group to explain the result of their observation. The purpose of this phase is to rise the students’ interest and desire and apply the initial conception toward the learning by begin from the complicated issues.
3)      Third phase is publication, in this phase the students are able to show he result of their observation and try to proof it. The student can give the evidence to their new arguments in order that their classmate will know it. In this phase the students will be ready to get the suggestions from their friends and try to keep their own argument.
Based on three phase above, it can be seen that this method is good to be used, because it will make the student understand to the phenomenon of the life directly with an explained material.
According to Imansyah in Jalaludin (2011:15) in conducting the discussion method it has some steps it will be discussed as follows:
1)   Formulate the purpose of what is going to be discussed
2)   Analyze the appropriate of the method used
3)   Prepare the problem that will be discussed which is appropriate with the purpose of the discussion
4)   The teacher prepare his self as the leader of discussion from all the possibility that will appear in the discussion
5)   Give the opportunity to each students to give their opinion
6)   Note the identity of all the students as the participants
7)   Conclusion, Imansyah in Jalaludin (2011:15)
J. Hypothesis
The Hypothesis of this research is the effective result of discussion method in teaching reading skills. By this research, students are expected to gain the achievement standard as stated in the performance indicator. The alternative Hypothesis (Ha) of this study is “the discussion method is effective in teaching reading skill at the first grade students of SMPN 2 Lingsar”, As a tentative answer the researcher would like to formulate the null hypothesis (Ha) “the discussion method is not effective in teaching reading skill”. This hypothesis will be tested table 05% and 01% levels. If the score of t-test is higher than t-table, the null hypothesis is rejected and if the score of t-test is lower than t-table, the alternative hypothesis is rejected.

A.  Research Design
This research use experimental research, experimental research is characterized by much greater control over the research environment and this research has some variables that are manipulated to observe their effect on other variable (Kothari, 2004: 5).
Experimental research is the study of objective, systematic, and it is controlled to predict or control phenomenon (Syamsudin, 2007: 151). So, the aim of experimental research is to find out the relationship between cause and impact by comparing the result between experimental group and control group. This research use pre-test and post-test design.
Table 01
The experimental design




OI             : Pre-test
O2                        : Post test
A I            : Experimental class
A II          : Control class
B.  Population and Sample
1.    Population
Population is all the subject of the research (Arikunto, 2010:173). The population of study at the first grade students of SMPN 2 Lingsar in Academic Year 2014/2015. There were 170 students and it divided into 5 classes. It based on researcher’s observation to the school of SMPN 2 Lingsar.
Table 02
The population of the research 
Number of the Students
The Total Number of the Students                         170

2.      Sample
Sample is a smaller number of taken from the total number making up a given population (Sprinthall, 1991: 28). According to the sampling technique, the researcher used random sampling. Randomization is a method of sampling in which each individual for constituting a sample (singh, 2006: 86). In selecting the sample, the researcher used one of the techniques in the random sampling which is called lottery technique and the researcher took 2 classes and it was divided into two different groups; VII/2 as the experimental group and VII/3 as the control group, each group consist of 34 students, so the total of the sample was 68 students.
The experimental group was treated by using discussion method and the control group was treated by using conventional method.
C.  Research Instrument
The term instrumentation refers to a group of permanent systems which help us to measure objects and maintain retroactive control of a process (Placko, 2000: 5).
In obtaining the data, the researcher used the following teaching.           
The instrument used to collect the data in this study was reading comprehension test. This test was contracted with multiple choices, the multiple choice which consists of 50 questions. This for every correct answer was marked 2, so if the student can answer all the questions correctly, the student will have the maximum score 100. The test which is used in this research was valid and reliable because the instrument was taken from the final examination and try out test at the academic year 2011/2013 and it has become the national standard of Indonesian education.
D.  Method of Collecting Data
1.      Pre-test
Pre-test is a test that researcher will give to the student to know the ability of the students in English reading before teaching and learning process is conducted by the researcher. The first step to collect the data, the researcher gives written test to the students as pre-test which consist of 50 questions.
2.      Post-test
Post test is a test that the researcher will give to the students to know the effect of discussion method in teaching reading after teaching and learning process conducted by the researcher. The researcher gave post-test to the students that same with the pre-test. Post-test was given after the teaching reading through method that conducted by the researcher.

 F.   Technique of the Data Analysis
After collecting the data, the next step is to analyze them carefully. To get the mean score of this investigation, the researcher used this formula:
  MX =  or MY =                                                                  
Where:        Mx = the mean score of experimental group
                   My = the mean score of control group
                   X = the total score of experimental group
                   Y = the total score of control group
                   N = the number of sample for each group
Finally, the researcher come to verification of the deviation of each mean score by formula or t-test were recommended by Arikunto (2010: 354)

Mx = the mean score of experimental group
My = the mean score of control group
  = the square deviation of experimental group
  = the square deviation of experimental group
Nx = the sample of experimental group
Yx = the sample of control group
     = the sum of
(Arikunto, 2010: 354).


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