Content Based Learning Instruction

      Content Based Instruction (CBI)
         Content- based instruction, a methodology that concerns the teaching of both subject content and language, was originally associated with language immersion education in Canada (Grabe and Stroller, 1997, p.6), but became increasingly associated with EFL/ESL teaching in the late 1980s. It contrasts with EFL/ESL instruction centered upon the teaching of discrete language skill (i.e. conversation classes, or listening classes). One early paper which considered CBI and EFL together was Mohan’s (1979) who explored three cases of relations between language teaching and content teaching (namely : language teaching by, with and for content teaching). 
         Brinton, snow, and Wesche, (1989), in (Brown, 2001:49) stated that content based instruction is integration of content learning with language teaching aims. More specifically, it refers to the concurrent study of language and subject matter with the form and sequence of language presentation dictated by the content material.  In this case content based instruction may yield an increase in intrinsic motivation and empowerment, since students are focused on the subject matter is important for their life.
         Content based instruction (CBI) is a teaching approach that focuses on learning language through learning about something. Although CBI is not new, there has been an increased interest in it because it has proven very effective in ESL and EFL programs around the world.

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