

           Confidence is a feeling of trust in someone. To be self-confident is to have confidence in our self. Self-confident people don't doubt themselves. This is usually a positive word: you can be self-confident without being cocky, arrogant, or overconfident. If you know what you’re doing, you have every reason to be self-confident.
           Lauster (1992:4) stated that self confidence is an attitude or feeling confident in the ability of self so that the person concerned is not too anxious in his actions, feel free to do things and take responsibility for his actions, warm and polite in interacting with others, have encouragement to participate and get to know the advantages and disadvantages.

          The importance of self-confidence for learners is crucial part in leaning speaking English. This can achieve teaching material and activities that can give enthusiasm, courage and stimulation to learners, when the teacher present the material and ask student to perform with their ideas, they will not to monotonous and boring in learning process. Dörnyei (2001: 16) argued that the ways to promote students’ self-confidence were through providing experience of success, encouraging the learners and reducing anxiety. The learners have to enthusiasm achieved the goal of learning a foreign language to success in mastery a target language well. Students having to high self-confidence will maximize the feedback to improve their speaking competency and reach their excellent goal in learning.
          Clement at all (1994:2) stated that self-confidence significantly contributes to the learner’s willingness to communicate in a foreign language. According to them, effective factor such as motivation, personality, inter group climate, and self-esteem underlie willingness to communicate, and the factor of self-esteem and self-confidence in communication play an important role in determining the learners’ willingness to communicate.

           Self confidence can be internal character; it means that it comes from the students’ individual and it also can be external; which comes from the teacher, parent, friends, and so on. Self confidence differs into intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic self confidence is a simulator power which appropriate reason of the students in choosing and learning the lesson that they learn seriously. Extrinsic self confidence is a simulator power outside their action.

Lauster P. (1992). Tes Kepribadian. Penerj. D.H. Gulo, ANS Sungguh Bersaudara, Jakarta.
Clement, R, Z. Dörnyei and K. A. Noels. (1994). Motivation, Self-Confidence and Group Cohesion     In The Foreign Language Classroom. Language Learning, 44, 417-448. Harlow: Longman.
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