
The Implementation of Hypnoteaching at School
According to Novian Triwidia Jaya (in Yustina 2012: 89), the implementation of hypnoteaching at school can be done through some steps as follows:
1.    Yelling
Yelling is used to return the students concentration to the learning material by yelling a certain word together. On the contrary, the way students yelling have been approved before. It will make teacher easier to coordinate the student while doing the yelling.
2.    Emotional Time
Emotional time is a time for controlling the emotion. Basically, someone emotion can change every second. The students also have the different emotion time. Moreover, it is needed a way to make students in persistent emotion. Besides that, emotional time also needed for training the students emotion. Emotional time can be divided into three or four sections which remarked by colors or written which as follows:
a.    Quite time
It can be remarked with green color or written “quite”. This time shows that the students are asked to be quite and concentrate because there is an important material that will be conveyed by the teacher.
b.    Discussion time
It can be remarked with blue or written “discussion”. This time shows that the students are asked to discuss a topic which has been discussed.
c.    Free time
It can be remarked by yellow or written “free”. This time shows that the students are asked to abdicate their emotion. The students can laughing, talking with their friends in a moment.
d.   Knob time
It can be remarked by red or written “knob”. This time shows that the students active their active learning.
3.    Teach and praise
In normal scale, learning process shows that the children remember 20 % of what they read. Children remember 30% of what they hear. Children remember 50% of what they seen. The children remember 50% of what they say. Children remember 90% of what they see, hear, and say.
From the normal scale above, it is needed for teacher to do such a way which make students can achieve percentage 90% in learning process. The way is by making students can see, hear, say and do.
4.    Miraculous question
In making a question which increasing students achievement, it is needed a special question for building learning process, giving solution, increasing potential, and direct students. The effort above is done for making students become more motivated in following the learning process. 

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